Our parents are very much an integral part of our community. We have a thriving Parents & Friends Association, an organisation involved in a wide range of College activities. This active and dedicated team of volunteer parents forms a vital link between the College and the parent body.
As we continue to grow, and thrive in the years ahead, we will:
Governance and Sustainability
As an authentic Catholic Augustinian school, we appreciate the dynamic and lifelong nature of the search for Truth.
6B. Develop a more integrated community where stakeholders are connected to the College Vision and Mission and actively engage in the role they play.
- To re-engage a sense of community connection for parents.
As an authentic Catholic Augustinian school, we value a mutual search for Truth.
4E. Assist parents to adopt contemporary skills in their parenting role.
- To provide a program of parent education opportunities to enhance the partnership between parents and the College.
Governance and Sustainability
As an authentic Catholic Augustinian school, we appreciate the dynamic and lifelong nature of the search for Truth.
6B. Develop a more integrated community where stakeholders are connected to the College Vision and Mission and actively engage in the role they play.
- To increase parent engagement in the P&F.
As an authentic Catholic Augustinian school, we value a mutual search for Truth.
4A. Promote humility and respect that leads to positive and authentic relationships within the community.
- To strengthen the cultural fluency of our St Augustine's community.
4E. Assist parents to adopt contemporary skills in their parenting role.
- To provide "bridges" for parents to engage more meaningfully in their child's educational journey in partnership with the College.
Governance and Sustainability
As an authentic Catholic Augustinian school, we appreciate the dynamic and lifelong nature of the search for Truth.
6B. Develop a more integrated community where stakeholders are connected to the College Vision and Mission and actively engage in the role they play.
- To boost parent engagement in the P&F with renewed enthusiasm
As an authentic Catholic Augustinian school, we value a mutual search for Truth.
4D. Formalise and strengthen the presence and engagement of the Alumni and Augustinian partners as witnesses to faith, mentors, guides and conduits to the world for current students.
- To improve parent engagement in shared, contemporary Catholic Augustinian traditions.
- To drive awareness for the contemporary understanding of Augustinian Values