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Message from the College Board

"I am delighted with the Strategic Plan and would like to thank the College community for their contribution to its design and acknowledge the important role all of us will play in its execution over the next four years.

The plan reflects the collective aspirations we all have for the College as it continues to thrive and provide the boys with a world class education that is underpinned by our Augustinian values.

As a parent with two boys at the College I feel privileged to be a part of this community and confident that this plan provides an exciting and ambitious blueprint for the future."
Andrew Wilson, College Board Chair

Message from the College Principal

As an Augustinian community, our reflections of the last two years have allowed us to focus on the elements that contributed to our success. The evolution of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan reminds us of the importance of relationships and stakeholder engagements.

The symbolical use of the round table with our Augustinian icons focuses our intent as a Catholic Augustinian school. Each stakeholder group, represented by a seat at the table, now has explicit opportunities to contribute to and influence the growth and improvement of St Augustine’s College.

The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan looks to engage each dimension of our community, to bring focus and talents to the development of our Annual Improvement Plans and to give life to our journey of improvement.

As you review our foci and strategic intents, you will notice that our Leadership Team, student leaders, our parents, alumni, College Board and staff have each been invited to clearly determine how they will, as a group, contribute to the accomplishment of targeted improvement.

As you explore our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan microsite, you will start to see evidence of how each of our stakeholders is providing indicators of success, those deliberately developed, implemented and evaluated changes that each stakeholder group has driven.

This plan responds to the need for strategic agility and roots itself in the necessity that strategic and operational improvement is not limited to the College Board or the Leadership Team. As a community we all need to understand the goals, and the intentional steps that we take to move forward to adjust and improve.

In our context as a Catholic Augustinian school, we believe it takes a community to develop understanding and engagement to add value to the journey of each graduate.

We believe that boys must be prepared for life. Their involvement in school improvement will see them appreciate how they contribute to, operate in and succeed in a globalised world. The development of this plan is an expression of how we take a holistic perspective and focus on influencing and inspiring a new generation of young men to make informed decisions regarding their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Being part of the St Augustine’s College community involves partnerships, both long and short-term. This plan enables us to move beyond the current successes and to bring creative and new ideas that add value to our community, ensuring we forge meaningful relationships.

International trends and research continue to inform our planning processes and the programs we deliver, bringing a world class education to the Northern Beaches of Sydney.
Jonathan Byrne, Principal

Mission, Vision & Value


The Mission of the College is to promote the uniqueness of the individual founded on Catholic and Augustinian principles. We aspire to be an innovative, engaging learning community that cultivates the development of balanced individuals who are known, loved, focused on the common good, strive for personal excellence, nurture friendships, and are accountable. As stewards, we proclaim sustainability, illuminated by faith in Christ.


The Vision of the College is to provide a safe and supportive Catholic environment that challenges, fosters growth, courage and resilience in students, staff and parents.


As expressed through the Augustinian lenses of humility, interiority, community, the restless search for truth and ongoing conversion.

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