4A. Promote humility and respect that leads to positive and authentic relationships within the community.
- To continue to develop and enhance the working relationship of parents in the College and to improve their knowledge and understanding of College decision making processes.
- Stakeholder engaged:
- Leadership Team
Learning and Teaching
3A. Prioritise student engagement, connection, creativity and resilience through a differentiated, innovative and relevant whole school approach to learning and teaching.
- To improve feedback practices that inform teaching and learning experiences in the classroom and create consistency across the school.
- Stakeholder engaged:
- Staff
Parent Information Sessions were held for:
- Year 8 into Year 9
- Year 10 into Year 11
- Year 11 into Year 12
Year 10 and Year 11 subject selections included discussing 2025 HSC and informing parents of what would happen. Parents were kept informed of:
- meetings scheduled with Year 10
- Subject information evening
- Advice form Year 12 students
- Parent/teacher interviews
- Email with video presentation links, subject handbook and assessment handbook.
A few sample sldes from the presentation are below.