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4A. Promote humility and respect that leads to positive and authentic relationships within the community.

  • To continue to develop and enhance the working relationship of parents in the College and to improve their knowledge and understanding of College decision making processes.
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Leadership Team

Governance and Sustainability

6B. Develop a more integrated community where stakeholders are connected to the College Vision and Mission and actively engage in the role they play.

  • To increase parent engagement in the P&F.
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Parents

The College assisted the Parents and Friends Association in surveying parents regarding their knowledge of the P&F, its purpose and future ideas.

Questions included:

  • Are you aware that St Augustine's College has a P&F? (96%+ yes)
  • Are you aware of the role that the P&F plays at the College? (77%+ yes)
  • What do you consider the most important roles of the P&F? ("Provide a point of contact" and "Build community engagement" were the highest responses)
  • Fundraising ideas?
  • Preferred format for P&F meetings (highest response for "online")
  • Interest in attending future P&F meetings, and suggested changes to lift meeting attendance
  • Interest in future P&F activities, and suggestions to encourage participation in future P&F activities
  • Preferred method of communication from P&F (80%+ "Saints App"), and suggestions for improving communication

The survey results were presented to the P&F to assist them in planning for 2024 including setting targets, engaging with parents, improving communications and seeking volunteers and fundraising opportunities.

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