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Governance and Sustainability

6A. Explore options for the future structure, sustainability and growth of the College, informed by community needs.

  • To continue to focus on College resourcing and our value proposition as an independent Year 5-12 school.
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Leadership Team

Annually the College engages AISNSW to receive valuable information from exiting students and their parents using their Perspectives: Graduating Year 12 survey.

The survey enables the College to collect relevant and important information to understand the impact of the College’s whole educational offering from a unique viewpoint. The data and associated reports, alongside existing data, gives the Leadership Team evidence to use in strategic planning and target improvement initiatives. Information gathered is also used to identify the strengths and achievements of the College.

Learning what the College community thinks is a powerful way to engage stakeholder voice, and by conducting this survey annually, it allows the College to consider those stakeholder views and trends over time.

Evident from this survey, the overall staff, student and parent satisfaction remains extremely high.

Student Satisfaction

Students at the College are offered many opportunities to provide feedback regarding their levels of satisfaction. Students across the Year Groups and Houses are regularly surveyed as part of the Wellbeing Program (AWE) and the matters raised inform pastoral programs and initiatives. The Wellbeing Survey is an important instrument in this regard. Students can also provide feedback to their Student Representative Council Representatives in both the Primary and Senior Schools.

The Perspectives Student Survey for Year 12 Graduating Students indicated that respondents were highly satisfied with their overall experience at the College.

Parent Satisfaction

Parents are offered opportunities to provide feedback regarding their levels of satisfaction both formally and informally. The College’s Parents and Friends Association (P&F) conducts forums where parents are given the opportunity to provide feedback on their levels of satisfaction. Parents also provide feedback via surveys, email and in meetings.

The Perspectives Parent Survey for Year 12 Graduating Students indicated that respondents were highly satisfied with their overall experience at the College.

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