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Learning and Teaching

3A. Prioritise student engagement, connection, creativity and resilience through a differentiated, innovative and relevant whole school approach to learning and teaching.

  • To celebrate and appreciate the diverse range of student talents in Co-curricular and Creative Arts
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Students

Australian Representatives in Sport in 2023 included:

  • Ryder Taylor, Tane Potts, Joe Lynch, Oscar St Pierre, Dougall McKenzie – Australian Junior Rowing Coxed 4+
  • Ashton Brown – U18’s Australian/NSW Water Polo team
  • Ryan Hunter – U18’s Australian/NSW Water Polo team
  • Aron Brennan – Australian Schoolboys Rugby team
  • Joe Walsh – U18’s Australian U18’s and Colts Rugby team
  • Lewis Wilson – U16’s Australian/NSW Rugby Team
  • Sam Blank – U18’s NSW Rugby team
  • Tylan Black-Berryman – U18’s Australian Touch football team
  • Louis Tilley – Australian Youth Sailor of the Year
  • Daniel Mills – Australian U18’s Baseball team
  • Jake Medved – NSW All Schools Touch Football team
  • Jack Kalms – NSW All Schools Touch Football team

Achievements are celebrated and promoted via the dedicated Sport & Co social channels (Facebook and Instagram). A few sample posts below.

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