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Learning and Teaching

3A. Prioritise student engagement, connection, creativity and resilience through a differentiated, innovative and relevant whole school approach to learning and teaching.

  • To celebrate and appreciate the diverse range of student talents in Co-curricular and Creative Arts
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Students

The College community had the opportunity to witness and celebrate the talents of its Drama department with the following events:

  • Senior production "Government Inspector" for 4 nights in Week 3, Term 2 featuring 40 students involved in cast and crew + alumni
  • Theatresports inter-house competition during pastoral period
  • Middle School Production "Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Christmas Goose" in Term 4 for 2 nights
  • Theatresports - 2 grand finalist teams with peers invited to the Grand Final at Enmore Theatre
  • Sydney Eisteddfod success - many place recipients including 1st place in a range of categories (Jude Hyland, Hartley Russell, Toby Hodgson, Alex Thoms)
  • HSC Drama showcase in Term 3 + Year 11 Drama showcase
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