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Catholic Augustinian Identity

1C. Develop relatable and engaging pedagogy in the delivery of religious education and related programs.

  • To deliver a Catholic Augustinian Values Course (CAV) to Stage 6 students.
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Leadership Team

Our Mission and Wellbeing team has introduced a new online course called Catholic Augustinian Values (CAV) for senior boys.

The course aims to deepen understanding in Catholic and Augustinian spirituality. Each student will complete 8 modules at their own pace and have opportunities to write and reflect on their learnings. They will also be required to upload evidence of 8 hours of service to the community.

The Modules will cover God and Spirituality; Christian Spirituality; Unique Features of our Catholic Faith; St Augustine – the Man; Augustinian Spirituality; Dignity of the Human Person; Serving Others; and Ethics and the Gift of Life.

The introduction of the course in 2022 strikes a good balance between allowing choice in HSC subject selections and ensuring our Catholic, Augustinian faith continues to be nourished.

The first module of the CAV course asks the boys to explore and reflect on the concept of God and their own personal journey. The below extract is evidence that our boys have a strong sense of wonder and awe and possess the depth to allow God be in their hearts and minds – just as Augustine did as a young man in search for truth.

To date:

  • over 90% of all Year 12 students have completed the course to date.
  • as part of their engagement in the course, students have completed over 1,488 hours of service.
“... as I got older, I began to turn to God more often during times of crisis and whenever I felt lost. Praying to God, alone in my room, acted as a coping mechanism. It calmed me down. It reminded me of how lucky I was to have access to the facilities around me and made me reflect on some of the decisions I had made throughout the year. My family and school have shaped my morals and values during my formative years by reinforcing fundamental qualities.”
Year 11 student
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