Care and Engagement
2A. Provide a challenging, supportive environment that champions growth, courage, respect and resilience in students, staff and parents.
- To create a common expectation around student behaviour and a collective staff efficacy.
- Stakeholder engaged:
- Staff
Learning and Teaching
3A. Prioritise student engagement, connection, creativity and resilience through a differentiated, innovative and relevant whole school approach to learning and teaching.
- To review the behaviour management strategies including supporting documentation to ensure an alignment between documentation, expectation and practice.
- Stakeholder engaged:
- Leadership Team
Building Capacity
5E. Ensure that there is a focus on the achievement of personal excellence.
- To develop personal excellence for students and staff through a focus on behaviour, PERMA, and teaching and learning practice.
- Stakeholder engaged:
- Leadership Team
The SAINTS Expectations Grid was researched, developed and implemented during 2023 as follows:
- Focus groups comprising of key stakeholders being staff and students were invited to provide feedback on how St Augustine’s College could be improved.
- The feedback was analysed and compiled into a reader- friendly document then shared with the focus groups for further comprehensive analysis.
- The overwhelming message from students and staff was for a clear and consistent whole-school approach to behaviour and expectations in/with the following areas: classroom, playground, electronic devices, sport and co-curricular as well as in public.
- Once finalised, the SAINTS Expectations grid was externally produced into a sturdy sign and placed at the front of every classroom.
- The Student Leadership Team launched the Grid at a College Assembly on 11/08/2023 with their video
The SAINTS Expectations Grid provides students with a clear message on behaviour, constructively developed with their input and voice. The aim is to support not only their learning in a healthy environment, but also to embody and display their Augustinian character throughout the community, both inside and outside the College gates.