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Our Catholic and Augustinian Identity

1B. Further embed a contemporary understanding of the Augustinian values of Truth, Love, Community, Humility and Interiority from The Graduate of an Augustinian Catholic School.

  • To strengthen our Augustinian identity within the student body.
  • Stakeholder engaged:
  • Students

Student Voice in Tolle Lege - connecting with the community (students, staff, parents) and promoting Augustinian values.

During 2022, Student Leaders had their own article/page in our fortnightly College newsletter, Tolle Lege. The Student Leadership Team drafted a roster at the beginning of every term and each student leader had an opportunity to write an article. They are asked to write three or more paragraphs, about something that is special to them; it could be a favourite College event, subject, activity or information relating to their Prefect portfolio, upcoming event, etc. Preferably, on a topic that most students can relate to, from Year 5 to Year 12.

See below, an example of a Student Leader’s article:

Tolle Lege – Student Leadership Team – 4 February 2022

Nicholas Walsh, Heavey House Captain

As we say farewell to one of the most disruptive yet eventful years of our lives we enter a fresh new start. I hope everyone had a relaxing break, spending lots of time with family and friends and I am sure you are all eager to get back into the swing of things.

Firstly, I want to welcome everyone back especially the new students. I am sure you will love it here and highly recommend that you challenge yourself to get immersed in all the different avenues that St Augustine’s has to offer. I will never forget my first day walking nervously through the Brimson gates into the next chapter of my life. I am adamant that you have all heard this before but please take every opportunity that St Augustine’s has to offer whether it is sport or co-curricular or both, you never know what you can gain when you try something new until you do it. Trust me from experience, memories that you get from doing those things can last you forever.

Dad and I, Year 5 2015
I want to congratulate the Class of 2021 on their tremendous efforts in their HSC. Their results are not just a testament to their dedication and hard work, especially with lack of face-to-face learning, but truly reflect the efforts of the magnificent staff at St Augustine’s College. I wish everyone performs to the best of their ability in 2022, especially this year’s grade 12.

For those students in isolation, whether being infected with COVID-19 or being a close contact, please stay home. Obviously, it is not an ideal circumstance, but you can take advantage of the amazing resources the school has provided for you. The school has provided you with every means to be educated so don’t use it as a time to sit back and relax for a week, engage with your learning and make the most out the situation that presents itself.

The one thing that comes up at every Student Leadership meeting is community. The College theme this year is Ongoing Conversion and we are directly applying it to continually improving our community. Ultimately being part of the “St Augustine community” is a collective yet diverse experience and every person at St Augustine’s plays an equal part. I want to challenge each and every one of to speak to someone new this year whether they are in your class, Tutor Group or in the playground. With our world coming back to a “new normal” inevitably there are some restrictions between years at school, however this should not limit the St Augustine’s community’s ability to flourish. Please keep in mind times like these are only going to strengthen our community.

The 2022 Student Leadership team have some great initiatives install for this year. We aim to build on the foundation that the previous years have laid out for us and I am extremely thrilled to be a part of it.

I hope everyone has an interesting and successful 2022 and don’t forget take every opportunity that arrives.

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